Shabbat Talmud Study: A Great Idea that is Common Sense but not Common Practice

“The mind of the Multiplier works like this: If I can find someone’s genius, I can put them to work.” Liz Wiseman, Multipliers, 45.

A multiplier sees people for who they are, their distinct talents, what they love to do, what they do well, even effortlessly. A multiplier sees that talent, summons and cultivates that talent, and finds a place where that talent can land, can have impact. The multiplier creates a space where the number cruncher crunches numbers; the policy analyst analyzes policy; the bean counter counts beans; the painter paints, the singer sings, and the greeter greets. It is a symphony of everyone’s unique gifts, intentionally summoned.

Seeing the best in people, and bringing out that best, is obviously wise. Who could argue with that? Yet what is common sense is often not common practice. What gets in the way of seeing and valuing and bringing forth people’s uniqueness? Why do people’s unique gifts get stymied not summoned?

We are in the second half of the Book of Exodus. The second half has two main stories that pivot on exactly this issue: can the leaders of Israel see and bring out the best of the people of Israel? At stake in this conversation is how effective you are with people.

See you tomorrow morning at 8:30.

Shabbat shalom,