Mechirat Chametz – Selling Your Chametz

During Pesach, we are prohibited from owning any chametz.  Centuries ago, our Rabbis established a legal method that enables us to sell our chametz to a non-Jewish neighbor and retrieve it at the conclusion of the festival. The document is called a “Shtar Mechira.”

Feather and spoon will be available by March 27th in the Blum office.

There are several ways to sell your chametz. Chametz must be sold by Monday, April 22nd @ 10am:

  • Complete and return this form by mail, attention Dan Nesson
  • Complete the form below with donation
  • Appoint Dan Nesson as your agent via email at
  • Appoint Dan Nesson as your agent by phone (617) 558-8104


I, the undersigned, hereby relinquish ownership of all chametz and chametz mixtures in my possession. I authorize Mr. Daniel Nesson or any subsequent agent that he may appoint, to act on my behalf for the purpose of selling my chametz and chametz mixtures to a non-Jew for the duration of the Passover Festival. I further agree that I will gather all the chametz, chametz mixtures, and all cookware, utensils, dishes, and all items used to prepare or consume chametz, and place them in a segregated, clearly marked area. This contract absolves me of all chametz of which I am unaware. In this regard, my donation to tzedakah is below.

The deadline to sell Chametz has passed.