B’nei Mitzvah Frequently Asked Questions

What role can siblings take in the service?
If a younger sister or brother reads Hebrew, she or he may lead the congregation in the chanting of Ein Keloheinu or the Ashrei psalm. If there is a younger child in both Bar or Bat Mitzvah families, the younger children from each family will share this honor. An older brother or sister may read Torah or have one of the three aliyot that each Bar or Bat Mitzvah family has to distribute.

Where will our family sit?
Your family will be seated in the first few rows of the sections to the right or the left of the center aisle. At the rehearsal prior to the Shabbat of the Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Dan Nesson will assign your family to one side or the other.

Is it OK for my family and friends to throw candy?
Friends and relatives may throw soft candy that is supplied by Temple Emanuel.

Where can we purchase talit, tefillin, and kippot?
Tefillin may be purchased as part of the B’nei Mitzvah Seminar by contacting Terri Swartz Russell, Family Educator. In addition, the tax-exempt Lang Judaica Shop, which is managed by the Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel, is located on the first floor of the synagogue across from the Rabbi Marshall R. Lifson Library. The shop stocks a beautiful selection of competitively priced talitot, tefillin, and kippot.

We would like to request a particular tutor. Can this be arranged?
Hazzan Elias Rosemberg makes the tutoring assignments, and does his best to accommodate requests.

Our family is expecting out-of-town guests who are Shomer Shabbat. They’ll need to stay within walking distance of Temple Emanuel. What do you recommend?
Our Shabbat Hospitality Committee has a list of congregants who provide Shabbat hospitality to guests of celebrant families. This hospitality includes providing meals or overnight accommodations. You may contact Lynette Polatin (617) 965-6245 or lspolatin@gmail.com,or Judi Taub at judithtaub@yahoo.com

Some of our family members are not Jewish. Can they participate in the service?
Yes! Family members who are not Jewish are given the honor of opening the ark and/or reading the Prayer for the Country.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Clergy Liaison, Hazzan Elias Rosemberg, at 617-558-8115.