

Sisterhood Temple Emanuel is a caring, vibrant community with a multigenerational membership comprised of women engaged in synagogue life at many levels. Sisterhood strives to maintain and preserve Conservative Judaism by connecting Jewish women of all ages to one another, the synagogue, and the Jewish way of life. We work year-round to create and fund programs for the welfare of the Temple Emanuel congregation while fostering a sense of community responsibility among congregants.

Thank you to our Sisterhood Leadership for all that they do!

Joan Leegant Book Talk: Displaced Persons

Date and Time: Thursday, September 19 @ 8:00pm – 10:00pm

Displaced Persons is the winner of the New American Fiction Prize. Join Author Joan Leegant as she discusses her new book; a collection of Jewish short stories, half set in Israel, half in the States.

Following her talk there will be a dessert reception where Joan will be selling and signing books.

Co-sponsored by Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Minyan Ma’or

Register Here

Cooking Demonstration, Tasting and Book Talk with Plants For You Author, Diana Goldman

Date and Time: Thursday, September 26 @ 7:00pm – 10:00pm

Join our exciting opening event with award-winning blogger Diana Goldman, the author of Plants For You.

This event is complimentary for Sisterhood and all Temple Emanuel members. The cost for non-Temple Emanuel guests is $36. Pre-order a signed copy of Plants For You at the discounted price of $30!

Space is limited.

Read the recent Boston Globe article about Plants For You!

Register Here

Tracing History Through Judaica: A Special Afternoon with MFA Curators

Date and Time: Sunday, October 20 @ 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Featuring Simona DiNepi, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Curator of Judaica and Victoria Reed, Sadler Curator for Provenance from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

The program will explore the MFA’s first gallery dedicated to Judaica, which opened in December 2023, showcasing recent acquisitions that enhance the museum’s collection. The curators will discuss the challenges of collecting Judaica with a focus on provenance research, especially in the context of the Holocaust. We will also celebrate the Sylvia Zenia Wiener Collection and welcome Ivy Cubell, who generously donated her mother’s collection to the Sisterhood Museum at Temple Emanuel.

Register Here
Thank You to our Temple Emanuel Community!

Sisterhood wants to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the entire Temple Emanuel community for your incredible support. It’s been a fantastic year, filled with building friendships and supporting numerous great initiatives, both at Temple Emanuel and in the wider community. We are proud of everything our community has accomplished!

Here are some of the ways Sisterhood has helped this year:

Sisterhood provides funding/support for the following Temple Emanuel programs:

Holidays at TE: Purim, Shavuot, and Sukkot
Ruach and Tot Shabbat
Mayyim Hayyim Membership
Camp and other Scholarships
Sisterhood Museum
Weekly Torah Study with Rabbi Gardenswartz
Yoga Minyan
Tanakhs for B’Nai Mitzvot
College Kits (complimentary small holiday gift packages) sent to college students
TE Staff appreciation luncheon
Social events such as Monthly Coffees at Pressed Cafe, Book Group, Knitting Group, Walking/Hiking Group, Bowling Night, Texas Holdem Tournament, Mah Jongg lessons/nights, and so much more

In addition to our own community, Sisterhood supports many other organizations:

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism (provides programming and support to over 400 Sisterhoods and synagogue womens’ groups in the United States and Canada)
Yad Chesed (provides emergency financial assistance, food support, and guidance to people across the Jewish community)
Family Table Food Pantry (provides kosher food and basic hygiene items and social support to the Greater Boston Jewish community)
The Freedge (a free community refrigerator located in Newton to combat food insecurity)
Torah Fund Campaign (raises funds to provide support and scholarships for the five Conservative Jewish Seminaries that many of our clergy attended)
Project Manna (provides hot meals and is a food pantry run by the Mass. Ave. Baptist Church)

This past year, it was especially important to support Israel. Money raised from Mishloach Manot, the Challah Bake and The Paint Bar event allowed us to make substantial monetary donations to:

CJP Emergency Fund
FIDF (Friends of the IDF)
B’Shvilam: National Front-line Rehabilitation Hospital in Tel Aviv
Stand up to Jewish Hate (the Robert Kraft Foundation to Combat Antisemitism)

Again, we thank you for your friendship and support! We are already working on programming for next year so that we can continue to provide for our own community as well as others in the world. We always welcome new members and new ideas. If you would like to be involved please reach out!


Roberta Laredo
Joanne Levy

Sisterhood Co-Presidents

Information on upcoming events and programs can also be found in the Sisterhood emails-if you are not receiving our emails and would like to, please click here.

Join Sisterhood - Three Ways to Join!

Temple Emanuel Dues Statement

Check off the “Join Sisterhood” box on your Temple Emanuel Dues Statement. It couldn’t be any easier to join us!


Write a check for $36 – $108, payable to “Temple Emanuel” noting “Sisterhood Dues” in the notation line and bring it to the Blum Executive Office or send it to:

Temple Emanuel, c/o Accounting, 385 Ward Street, Newton Center, MA 02459

Please include your email address along with your home address when paying by check.


Sisterhood Membership Dues – $36 – $108

Please note that for all online donations, a 3% convenience fee will be added at checkout to cover online processing fees.

Join Now